Saturday, October 14, 2006


Learnings from Mr. Ashok Soota

1) High aspirations do not mean setting grandiose goals, but setting stretch targets and continuously raising the bar.
2) Sri Sri Ravishankar says "stretching sound is music; stretching movement is dance; stretching smile is laughter; stretching mind is meditation; stretching life is celebration; stretching devotee is god; stretching feeling is ecstasy"
3) Life is not just a marathons interspersed with multiple sprint races. Prepare yourself for the same, one step at a time. Don't burn the candles at both ends and burn yourself out.
4) Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So sail away from the safe harbour. Expolre. Discover ... Mark Twain
5) Leadership is about vision, motivation, empowerment and mentoring. Management is about planning, measuring, decding and executing. They are not mutually exclusive and a pre-requiste for sucess is to be a good manager and a good leader.
6) The right question to ask yourself is what will I enjoy more, were will I contribute more?
7) As said in Upanishads:
"You are what your deep driving desire is
As is your desire, so is your will
As is your will, so is your act
As is your act, so is your destiny"

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